PSVR gains a competent, competitive first-person MOBA with Megalith

January 13, 2019
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MOBAs are genuinely one of my least favourite video game genres so I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself thoroughly enjoying Megalith; the newest addition to the PSVR’s ever expanding library.

If I had to pinpoint exactly what it was that caused this change of heart, I’d say it was probably the new perspective that VR brings to the genre. Instead of playing from above like some kind of omnipotent being, in Megalith you experience the action in first-person perspective, something that makes the proceedings feel a lot more immediate and exciting.

If you want to see Megalith in action for yourself, you can watch me play through a couple of matches in this week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner. In the video below, I cover the gameplay basics, demonstrate a couple of the Titans and even manage to do some wins. I know, incredible, right?!.


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