Here’s where you can get the Persona 5 Royal Phantom Thieves Edition

December 4, 2019
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After yesterday’s leak and eventual announcement of the Persona 5 Royal release date, it’s now possible to secure your copy of the special Phantom Thieves Edition.

This version of the Atlus RPG (which was given an Essential badge in our Persona 5 review) comes with a whole swag bag full of extras, including a Joker mask, soundtrack CD, artbook and steelbook all in a lovely collector’s box.

As for additions to the actual game, you can expect new characters and confidants, loads of extra story content, new locations, new personas and the ability to customise your own Thieves Den. That should only up the playtime by another, oh, 50 hours or so? Yes, I still haven’t finished it myself yet.

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