Cops bust real-life gang stash house, find weapons, cash and… PayDay masks

March 20, 2020
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Here’s an incredible case of life imitating art: the art in this case being video game PayDay.

Last night, 19th Match 2020, a drug task force in West Tennessee raided a suspected gang stash house, uncovering 36 weapons, handcuffs, a bullet proof vest, police equipment, drugs, a large amount of cash, cases of ammunition, and four masks. In a Facebook post, the task force said two people are in custody awaiting arraignment.

Nothing particularly remarkable there. But if you look at the masks, video game fans will see something quite remarkable. It seems our suspects – potentially bank robbers in real life – are fans of co-op bank robbing game PayDay. Here’s the original PayDay masks from the first game:

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