Resident Evil 2 remake players have found easy workarounds for the demo’s 30-minute time limit

January 12, 2019
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When Capcom announced the Resident Evil 2 demo was a “1-shot” with a 30-minute time limit that would continue even if the game was paused (you have to be connected to the internet to play), many complained about not having long enough to try the game out.

Well, it turns out players have found easy workarounds – and of course the speedruns have begun.

Somewhat hilariously, once you’ve used up your 30 minutes on one account, you can simply load the demo up on another account on your console and play all over again (we’ve verified this works with our own tests on PlayStation 4). You can do this as many times as you’re willing to create accounts across PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. PC players have come up with ways to reset the demo timer, but these involve tinkering with Steam itself, which you may not feel comfortable doing.


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