Doom Eternal analysis: how id Tech 7 pushes current-gen consoles to the limit

March 21, 2020
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Doom 2016 revitalised the fortunes of both id software and the classic Doom franchise, delivering a phenomenal, exhilarating focus on high-speed combat, extreme gore and sprawling stage design. It was a modern, refreshed take on a retro classic, underpinned by some of the most impressive tech in the business. And the good news is that Doom Eternal one-ups it in every way. it’s harder, faster and sleeker. It’s larger in scale both in terms of level design and the amount of enemies you’ll battle – and it’s more optimal too: we’ve managed to get the PC version running at around 300 to 500 frames per second.

Powered by the new id Tech 7, Doom Eternal represents the latest and greatest from id Software, delivering an engine upgrade that delivers in every way. Textures are more detailed all around while the world is more tightly packed with visual flourishes. Even if you can’t put your finger on it right away, there’s something special about the environments that just feels >different. How is it that a game on the same consoles can look and run so much better than a previous installment?

The answer is not so simple but the basic idea is – it comes down to key changes made to the internal technologies. Having discussed id Tech 7 with lead engine programmer Billy Khan, he reiterated that their main objective was to deliver a combination of visuals and frame-rate at a quality so high that most people will wonder how it was possible.

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