Three months later, Ubisoft releases new version of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla reveal trailer

August 10, 2020
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Tucked away at the end of last week, Ubisoft released a chunk of the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla soundtrack to stream or download. And with it, quietly, a new version of the game’s initial reveal trailer.

This new edition of the trailer replaces the male version of Eivor, which Ubisoft chose to reveal first, with the female Eivor we’ve only got a better look at more recently.

It’s great to see her finally get showcased like this but… why has it taken so long, and why was it released like this? Friday’s announcement was ostensibly about The Ravens Saga EP, a collection of seven tracks from the game’s soundtrack. This trailer is named the “Official Soundtrack Cinematic Trailer”, but it has no relation to the game’s music.

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