Someone should make a game about: Flat Stanley

January 6, 2021
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Imagine going to bed one night only to have a bulletin board fall on you while you slept. Rotten luck, isn’t it? Makes you wonder why someone put it there in the first place. But now imagine you had some seriously heavy stuff pinned to that bulletin board, like bricks, and when it landed on you, it flattened you. And I mean literally.

You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and, OK, you’re fine from the front, but when you turn sideways, uh oh, you all but disappear. I imagine it might come as a bit of a shock. What must your internal organs look like?

But when it happened (in a make believe sense) to young Stanley, he barely faltered. He took on the moniker of Flat Stanley and in doing so discovered he could do some wonderful new things.

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