Developer Hidden Variable has unveiled the latest DLC character to join the roster of acclaimed fighters Skullgirls 2nd Encore and the free-to-play Skullgirls Mobile: the sou’westered, be-wellied Umbrella and her sentient brolly chum, Hungern.
Umbrella, the second DLC character to arrive as part of Skullgirls 2nd Encore’s season pass (following on from March’s Annie), is described as a small, slow character with limited movement that’s able to take some “big swings” thanks Hungern.
Indeed, while the perpetually rain-ready Umbrella certainly looks the part, Hungern is the real star in the many ways. Most of Umbrella’s abilities will involve the living brolly, but the exact moves available at any time are determined by Hungern’s hunger level – meaning players must either influence his available moveset by feeding him, or adapt their playstyle are required.