Certain Affinity CEO shares message of staff support regarding Roe v Wade

May 19, 2022
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Max Hoberman, CEO of Halo co-developer Certain Affinity, has shared a message with staff regarding recent political events, namely those involving personal health and privacy matters and the recent draft from the US Supreme Court to potentially overturn Roe vs. Wade.

“As a business leader it’s exceptionally difficult to navigate highly politicised issues like transgender and abortion rights. But I’m not content to sit back and say or do nothing,” he tweeted, before sharing an in-depth message he had sent out to his employees.

This message reads: “It is appalling that states, including the [Certain Affinity] headquarters’ home state of Texas, are wading into what I consider personal health and privacy matters. Recently this encompassed gross intrusions on the rights and dignity of transgender youth, putting politics over the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of a vulnerable population, and threatening their families, friends, doctors and other supporters.

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