3D artist explains how water is animated in games such as Uncharted 4, Subnautica

May 15, 2023
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Water features a lot in video games – Bertie even ran a Five of the Best supporter’s piece on it earlier this year. But how do developers actually make it look so, well, water-like?

According to 3D artist Thomas of Twitter account Stylized Station, there is a lot involved to get it just right. It takes “a ton of smoke and mirrors in the background, without anyone ever realising it,” they explained in a very thorough Twitter thread, noting “creating real-time simulated water is still really hard to do”.

Thomas stated that most developers use a variety of “cheats” and techniques that see things such as textures, VFX sprites, normal maps, and basic geometry “smashed together” in order to give the “illusion of flowing water”.

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