Diablo 4 is a great PC port – except you need a 16GB graphics card to match PS5

June 16, 2023
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Diablo first hit PCs more than 25 years ago, and it has since become one of those rare franchises that just doesn’t seem to get old. While there’s a level of consistency across the various series entries, what really sets Diablo 4 apart is the fact that it was a multi-platform release on day one, and given how PC ports have fared lately, it would not be unreasonable to be wary of its quality. The happy news is that it’s not difficult to run Diablo 4 across a range of PC hardware with excellent results – but there’s a caveat to that: to achieve parity with PS5 in texture quality, a 16GB graphics card is required.

One of the first things to note before even purchasing Diablo 4 is that, like a number of other PC games today, it requires a launcher not called Steam – a battle.net account is required and even then, it requires an always-online connection, even if you’re playing on your own. this is old news to franchise veterans, but newcomers deserve a heads up.

Upon starting the game, you’re greeted with a slew of accessibility options, including everything from font size to text to speech, and more, which is great to see. Kudos to Blizzard. From there, first impressions remain rather positive as the menus thankfully have proper support for both keyboard and mouse, and controllers – which actually turns out to be a great way to play the game in general.

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