Twitch is in a crucial “trust building period”: it must listen to streamers

July 18, 2023
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It’s been a difficult year for Twitch so far. The Amazon-owned streaming platform is continuously evolving and offering new products and tools for streamers, but it never seems to quite get things right.

Take revenue split for instance. At present, Twitch offers streamers a 50/50 revenue split in comparison to 70/30 on rival platforms. Yet the introduction of a new Partner Plus programme with a higher split has been met with criticism, with streamers claiming its high threshold for acceptance is “unattainable” and “anti-community”.

Then there were changes made to branded content guidelines met with a backlash from streamers frustrated at Twitch’s misunderstanding of the way they generate revenue. Twitch swiftly walked those back. More positively, new labels for mature content were included following last year’s controversies around child abuse and gambling.

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