Game of the Week: Turbo Overkill and the joys of video game excess

August 11, 2023
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One thing I remember about lockdown is this weird thing that happened when lockdown ended. After days and weeks and months of being indoors – home schooling, masked chats to the Tesco delivery people and endless Netflix binges of Below Deck – just stepping outside was this wild kind of sensory overload.

And I mean any kind of stepping outside. Taking the bins out without putting on shoes: so many little pebbles and bits of grit underfoot in the driveway. Taking a walk on the Downs near our house – the colours, the flickering branches and thorns, the shifting surfaces of the passing breeze. At first it would always be Too Much, and then something would change. The sensation wouldn’t diminish exactly. It would still be Too Much. What changed was that I would understand that Too Much was precisely what I had been missing.

Video games are incredibly good at Too Much, a point that was underlined – and highlighted in neon yellow, and signalled with doodled star showers and Biro flames – this week with the arrival of Turbo Overkill. Turbo Overkill is an old-school shooter delivered with current gen flair, and Rick loved it to the point of giving it five stars in his review.

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