WarioWare: Move It! takes the series back to Smooth Moves

October 3, 2023
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Somehow, it’s been 20 years since the first WarioWare game, which means it’s been 20 years since we all started catching toast, jumping over shark cars, and catching funny little bugs beneath glasses.

The first WarioWare is such a strange, singular game it feels like it hasn’t aged at all. But for the 10th game in the series, Move it!, Nintendo is taking things back to Smooth Moves, the Wii instalment from 2007. I had a chance to play a few of the microgames at an event recently.

Move It! is one of those Wario games that ditches the immediacy of the single button input in favour of motion controls. It all comes down to stances, which are Nintendo’s way of framing different ways of holding the Joy-cons. Choo-Choo stance sees you holding each one out and miming turning the wheels of a train, while elsewhere there’s a sword stance, a bent-knee stance and a bunch of others.

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