Microsoft wants Game Pass, first-party titles on “every screen”, including Switch and PlayStation

November 30, 2023
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Xbox chief financial officer Tim Stuart has said Microsoft wants to get Game Pass and its first-party titles on “every screen that can play games” – including Switch and PlayStation – in what he calls “a bit of a change of strategy”.

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has talked about getting Xbox Game Pass on all platforms, of course; Xbox boss Phil Spencer has referenced the strategy on multiple occasions, calling it a “long term goal” for the company back in 2019.

One year on from that comment, however, it seemed as if Spencer had admitted defeat in getting Game Pass on competing consoles, saying, “The other competitive platforms really aren’t interested in having a full Xbox experience on their hardware. But for us, we want to be where gamers want to be and that’s the path that we’re on.”

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