New York Times takedown domino effect hits nearly 2000 Wordle clones

March 8, 2024
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The New York Times has issued a takedown notice to Reactle, a Wordle clone, which has meant around 1900 other versions of the game have now been taken down.

Reactle was an open-source project created by an individual, the brilliantly-named Chase Wackerfuss, that contained instructions on how to create Wordle spin-offs, such as variations in different languages or themed answers. The code repository is no longer available on Github, following the DMCA takedown notice from the NYT.

“I write to submit a revised DMCA Notice regarding an infringing repository (and hundreds of forked repositories) hosted by Github that instruct users how to infringe The New York Times Co.’s (‘The Times’) copyright in its immensely popular Wordle game and create knock-off copies of the same,” reads the notice, as reported by 404 Media.

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