Stop Killing Games aims to mount political and legal challenges to games going offline

April 4, 2024
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This week’s shutdown of Ubisoft racing game The Crew has prompted the launch of a concerted effort to mount political and legal challenges to the increasingly common occurence of games you’ve bought becoming unplayable.

The Stop Killing Games initiative is the work of YouTuber Ross Scott, better known for his work running the Accursed Farms channel. Launched this week, the campaign calls upon video game fans around the world to petition their local governments about the issue, with a specific directive for past owners of The Crew itself.

Logging on to the Stop Killing Games website gives you options based on your global location for how to take action. Here in the UK, there’s a link to sign a petition on the UK government website – which at 100,000 signatures will mean the issue is considered for discussion in Parliament. Similar options exist in other countries.

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