Player takes impressive stab at recreating cult corridor horror PT in Media Molecule’s Dreams

January 21, 2019
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Media Molecule’s upcoming Dreams is nothing if not ambitious, aiming to offer PS4 owners the tools to create anything they can imagine, from dioramas to full-blown games. And if you’re curious to know how impressive the results can be when actual players get their hands on it, well, just take a look at this attempt to recreate Hideo Kojima’s cult corridor horror PT in Dreams…

The 30-second slice of terror was posted on Twitter over the weekend by the mysterious Sergeantbike, and features a familiar jaunt down PT’s endlessly looping L-shaped corridor. Inevitably, there are visual downgrades in terms of detail – the vast majority of picture frames don’t have actual pictures in them, for instance – but it nails the atmosphere.

Sergeantbike’s environmental recreation does a great job of capturing PT’s oppressive lighting and grimy ambience, even squeezing in a few familiar sound samples – such as the suspiciously peppy radio announcer and the unforgettable, omnipresent whine of the hallway light. All in all, it’s a stellar effort and a promising display of just how adaptable Dreams’ creation tools can be.


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