Take a look at Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s “giant space Yoda”

November 16, 2020
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A long year ago in a galaxy that feels far far removed from 2020, Respawn’s single-player title Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order launched, and yesterday the game celebrated its first anniversary. To mark the occasion (and as a late entry to the Blocktober initiative, which encourages designers to share their blockmesh layouts), several Fallen Order designers took to Twitter to share their early work. And yes, that includes a giant space Yoda placeholder.

What does an AT-AT climbing scene look like when it’s a prototype? Pretty weird, that’s what, as you can see in the clip below. There’s also footage of one of Respawn’s absolute favourite mechanics – wall running – which similarly gives you an idea of what Fallen Order looks like underneath all its intragalactic trappings.

Another Respawn designer, Nicholas G Cameron, shared further images of some Fallen Order vistas in block form, including the crystal challenge that probably stumped you on Ilum.

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