Meet the man making the worst video game of all time

February 3, 2024
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There are many factors that go into making a good game, and there are some brilliant ones out there to choose from. But, what about the ‘bad’ games that are also out there? What is it that actually makes a game bad? And then, if we know what makes a bad game, could we somehow harness that, and make something that is, by the nature of its very badness, actually quite entertaining too?

Enter Carsen Rapp, a man who has purposely set out to make “the worst video game of all time” with a little help from his TikTok community.

Rapp has been making video games since he was 14 years old, but has been sharing videos online since he was 11. By 12, he was one of the most popular YouTube streamers for Adventure Quest Worlds. “I’ve been doing this for a while,” Rapp tells me over Zoom. “It led me to work in the tech industry, I used to be a web developer. Now I have a boring ’email job’ in the tech industry, but I have kept making games.”

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