Destiny 2 completes U-turn on sunsetting legacy weapons, although too late for many players’ dismantled guns

April 26, 2024
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Bungie has announced it will remove all power limits from legacy gear in Destiny 2, a major decision for fans and the final step in a now-complete U-turn on the controversial decision made four years ago.

The decision to cap the power of Destiny 2 weapons – prodding players into the pursuit of newer options, at the cost of abandoning old favourites – was controversial when it was announced in 2020. Bungie later relented, and stopped capping weapon power in 2021, though an armoury of player favourites released prior to the Shadowkeep expansion remained in limbo.

Now, that’s no longer the case – as a consequence of Bungie’s upcoming plans to allow new or lower-level players to jump into Destiny 2’s upcoming climactic The Final Shape expansion quicker. This will be achieved by the new Fireteam Power system, where your whole party is uplifted to the approximate power output of its highest team member. Because of this, older weapons could have been made more powerful anyway – and so Bungie is now scrubbing legacy weapon power limits altogether.

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