Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition for Switch spotted on US ratings board website

May 4, 2024
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There’s something mysterious brewing over at Nintendo; a new listing for a previously unannounced Switch game, called Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, has been spotted on the US’ Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) website.

Helpfully, the ESRB – which has rated the game ‘E’ for ‘Everyone’ if you’re curious – has a few details on Nintendo’s mysterious new title, describing it as a “collection of 2D challenges and platformer games in which players traverse through various modes (e.g., speedrun, survival)”.

“Several challenges involve reaching specific points, while others prompt players to defeat small enemies or survive brief battles,” the ESRB description continues. “Some games depict pixelated characters using small swords or arrows to strike at enemies; enemies typically get stunned or disappear in a flash.”

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