Apex Legends’ new solo mode has a teaming problem

August 15, 2019
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Respawn is not having a good week. The Iron Crown event kicked off causing immediate backlash to the ridiculous pricing of the new loot, and now players are taking to reddit to complain about “teaming” – finding groups of players teaming up to take out the rest of the solos in a match.

In all fairness, it’s a new event and game mode for Apex, and as such it should be expected for there to be minor issues here and there until they iron out all the kinks. But from what we’ve found with the teaming problem, it’s really not a minor issue.

At first the teaming could just be seen as a couple of random players messing around who actually don’t know each other; this happens all the time in games like Overwatch, but Apex has no kind of emote system, so it makes it difficult to make friends when people are trying to shoot you on sight.

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